Radar Zoom Extras v1.1
Author diamond-optic
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Description --------------------------------------------------

Radar Zoom Extras v1.2

by diamond-optic




Adds some extra info to the screen when you
press the radar zoom key (default: Z)

Adds displaying money, time, date, day of Week,
and ammo (originally it doesnt always show
when you have a weapon out).

You can change the key in the 'Configuration'
section near the top of the script file.



Place the RadarZoomExtras.lua file inside the
\scripts\addins\ directory in your base GTAV
install location.



Script Hook V
LUA Plugin For Script Hook V


Change Log:

Version 1.2 (06.25.16)
- Fixed displaying AM instead of PM between noon and 1PM

Version 1.1 (05.26.15)
- Added option to not show the date
- Added option to add 4 years to the date displayed
- Minor code improvements

Version 1.0 (05.24.15)
- Initial Release


Known Issues:

The date doesnt always advance when it should.
It seems to only advance properly if you are
either 'sleeping' at a safe house or if you are
in the game when the time changes to the next
day but there seems to be many times when it
still doesnt advance to the next day, such as
missions that advance the time do not make the
day change). You can disable showing the date
in the 'Configuration' section of the LUA file.

For some reason the starting date of the game
seems to be 2009, even though the game should
be taking place in 2013. I've added an option
in the 'Configuration' section of the LUA that
will add 4 years to the displayed year to make
it start in 2013. It does NOT change the actual
date in the game, just modifies what is shown.



local RadarZoom_Key = Keys.Z -- Set this to the same key used for Radar Zoom (or a different key all together if you wish)

local RadarZoom_ShowDate = true -- set to true/false to control showing the date (see 'known issues' section)

local RadarZoom_YearFix = true -- set to true/false to control adding 4 years to the displayed year (see 'known issues' section)


* please do not upload my mods to other sites! *
Filesize 3.38 kB
Date Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 08:24PM
Downloads 965
Download Radar Zoom Extras v1.1

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