DoD Throw Rocks (v1.5)
Author diamond-optic
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Description DoD Throw Rocks
- Version 1.5
- 12.26.2008
- diamond-optic


- Zor for the base from 'DoD Smoke Grenade' v0.7a
- spq for help with blocking the suicide log message
- TatsuSaisei for logging detail messages, custom weapon support


- Basically you can now throw rocks around...

- Hitting another player with the rock does damage (FF depends on dod_throwrocks_ff setting)
- Rock will make a footstep sound when it lands.. Confuse the enemy on your location..
- Randomly throws 2 different size rocks with slightly different weights & friction

- Psychostats compatible log messages (registers as a new weapon)

- Server List: -link-
* Public CVARs got a bit messed up by that screwy steam update *


throw_rock //Throw a Rock


dod_throwrocks "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0)

dod_throwrocks_admin "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) admin mode (def. level: immunity)
dod_throwrocks_admin_delay "0.5" //how often an admin can throw a rock (if admin mode = 1)

dod_throwrocks_dmg "20" //damage done when a rock hits a player

dod_throwrocks_delay "2.0" //how often you can throw a rock (in seconds)

dod_throwrocks_ff "2" //determines what rock does in FF situations...
//"0" = NO friendly fire no matter what
//"1" = ALWAYS friendly fire
//"2" = Obeys mp_friendlyfire setting


- If using AMXBans for the file consistency, I recommend that you
check out the following link for a fix for the banning:
* -link-

- If you run the ps_heatmaps plugin, for creating spatial stats for
creating heatmaps in PsychoStats 3.1+, I recommend that you check out
the following link for a fix for that plugin recreating suicide log msgs
* -link-

- I also recommend that you check out one of the following links for fixing
a possible problem that may occur with the DoD Stats & Stats Logging
plugins that come with AMXX (as well as an improved display name)
* -link-
* -link-

- Set the admin level needed for 'admin mode' thru the ROCK_ADMIN define (default: immunity)

- Set the MAX_ROCKS define to set maximum number of rocks existing at one time (default: 32)
* Be careful messing with this one...
* Setting this too high could make your server vulnerable to crashing

- The FULL_PRECACHE define controls whether all files are precached or not
* If you find that some sounds dont work, enable this
* If you get 'file not precached' errors, enable this

Known Problems:

- When you kill someone with a rock it still prints in the console that it
was a 'world' kill. But it does send it to the logs as a 'rock'..

- Sometimes the rock will get stuck in a spot where it doesnt totally come to
rest, you'll see it just spinning around & hear it making the noise over and
over again.. For this problem I added the 'dod_throwrocks_maxlife' cvar so
that if for some reason the rock hasnt been removed by the normal process,
it will be removed when the maxlife time has been reached..

Change Log:

- 08.10.2006 Version 0.1
    Initial testing release

- 11.04.2006 Version 0.1b
    Added define for max number of rocks at one time
    Changed way the rock gets 'killed'
    Added log messages for detailed stats (thanks TatsuSaisei)
    Added 'admin mode' where admins can have a diff delay time
    Changed delay times to float values

- 11.15.2006 Version 1.0
    Initial non-beta release

- 11.18.2006 Version 1.1
    Added CVAR to control how rocks behave with friendly fire
    Adjusted some of the defualt CVAR values
    Decreased 'gravity' of both rocks slightly

- 05.28.2007 Version 1.2
    Changed some returns
    Added description to client command
    Added draw to RoundState hook

- 06.13.2007 Version 1.3
    Removed default DoD sounds from precache (dod already precaches them)
    Added FULL_PRECACHE define to enable precaching of all files
    Added weaponstats logging for victim's death
    Fixed bug in setting user kills
    Various code changes & improvements

- 11.05.2007 Version 1.4
    Rock 'owner' no longer changes on hitting a player
    Fix for annoying sound loop on stuck rock

- 12.26.2008 Version 1.5
    Fixed a rare runtime error
    Added custom weapon support
    Small code improvements
    Added PCVAR usage to mp_friendlyfire queries
    Moved maxlife & removal CVARs to defines
    Fixed throwing sound covering up weapon fire
    Removed an unnecessary global
    Now you cant throw rocks while shooting
    Added simulated throwing animation
    Checks for godmode when hitting a player
    Improved the mathematical side of throwing
    Changed touch & think forwards over to HamSandwich
Filesize 25.77 kB
Date Friday, December 26, 2008 - 09:28PM
Downloads 947
Download DoD Throw Rocks (v1.5)

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