AvaMods 5.over ...continued

Last night at midnight the AvaMods 5.o Day of Defeat game server officially went offline.

This brings an end to the AvaMods revival that started in 2016. I believe these last 8 years have not only been the longest consecutive stretch of the AvaMods DoD server, but also showed that this thing could (mostly) run all on its own with no one behind the wheel for long periods of time. While there were significant issues and a lot of things were also in need of updates, the server managed to carry on while I completely ignored it.

I'm feeling pretty old right now thinking about how come February AvaMods will hit its 18th anniversary and then November 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of when my first server came online (under the team cdrive name). I turned 40 over the past year so basically I have spent half of my life running DoD servers. Wild stuff lol...

I would like to wrap things up with saying thanks to the 315,530 people that have played on my Day of Defeat servers since November 27, 2005, it would have all been meaningless if not for the people who played on our servers. Day of Defeat & AvaMods have been a big part of my life in the last 20+ years and I wouldn't be surprised if AvaMods makes another comeback in the future.... if there is anything left to come back to by the time that happens....

So until AvaMods 6.o comes along, thank you and good night.

posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Monday, September 09, 2024 - 08:21am

AvaMods 5.over

So this is kind of funny after having just made that previous anniversary post... But it turns out that Pope, the godfather of team cdrive, who has been hosting the AvaMods game server(s) and other related content for free for these last 5 years or so will be getting rid of his server.

As a result this means, at least in the short term, that the DoD game server will be going down. I also have no intention of renting a server to continue hosting it somewhere else at this time.

The website and forums will be mostly unaffected by this, some pages such as the ban list and stats will be down unless I move them back over to the separate website hosting. As of writing this post I do not have a specific day of when things will go down, but the game server may get shut down early to avoid losing log data

I'll probably make a follow up post once that happens, but if I don't I guess we'll meet again some day for AvaMods 6.o

posted by diamond-optic in Server ( comments: 0 )
Saturday, September 07, 2024 - 11:13am

8 year anniversary of AvaMods 5.o

Things didn't go quite as planned over these last 8 years of AvaMods... but we're somehow still here

ain't nothin' like the old school

posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Monday, September 02, 2024 - 04:39pm

Still Here...

Well it's been over a year since the last post, so just dropping in to say we are still here... And there is still parts of the website that are broken, and there is still parts of the gameserver that are broken as well as a lot of things that are outdated.. and there is still no chance that I will be fixing any of this stuff any time in the foreseeable future.

And on that note, the AvaMods 16th anniversary is next week (Feb 1st), pretty crazy to think that much time has passed since AvaMods came to be. Oh how life is so much different now than it was back then.

The only game I play now is Enlisted.. So if you play it too, look me up (diamondoptic) and you can ride my coattails for a good score/XP

..but anyway I hope everyone is doing well and let's see how long it takes for me to make another post here...

posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Friday, January 27, 2023 - 02:42pm

So here is what's going on with the server...

I wasnt aware for a while at first about the issues involving the DoD server but there appears to be some sort of failure all of a sudden with the automatic starting/restarting of the server.

I cant figure out what the heck changed to break it and on top of that the whole machine is under constant attack so I can very rarely even access it at all to even try and fix anything.

Not much else to say lol, but figured I should make an overdue post about it. I can't promise that things will ever get fixed as it is no where near a priority for me and the amount of time and effort I would have to put into it just isn't an option for me now.

So if you see the server up, don't assume its all rainbows and unicorns because it will likely go down for another extended period of time until I A) notice it and B) can actually access the damn thing to restart it manually.

posted by diamond-optic in Server ( comments: 0 )
Friday, January 14, 2022 - 12:11pm

An update on the last post...

Well I have managed to find a way to force a slightly older PHP version on the site & forums that is sort of working. I think I've resolved most of the errors but I am sure some more will likely pop up, but so far it appears everything I have checked is working again. I could still move things to another server where I have full control over the available PHP versions but that is not something I'm willing to tackle just yet.

If anything is broken, feel free to contact me about it....

posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Friday, September 03, 2021 - 03:44pm

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team cdrive
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AvaMods 3.o
AvaMods 4.o
AvaMods 5.o

team cdrive   AvaMods
