So here is what's going on with the server...

I wasnt aware for a while at first about the issues involving the DoD server but there appears to be some sort of failure all of a sudden with the automatic starting/restarting of the server.

I cant figure out what the heck changed to break it and on top of that the whole machine is under constant attack so I can very rarely even access it at all to even try and fix anything.

Not much else to say lol, but figured I should make an overdue post about it. I can't promise that things will ever get fixed as it is no where near a priority for me and the amount of time and effort I would have to put into it just isn't an option for me now.

So if you see the server up, don't assume its all rainbows and unicorns because it will likely go down for another extended period of time until I A) notice it and B) can actually access the damn thing to restart it manually.

posted by diamond-optic in Server ( comments: 0 )
Friday, January 14, 2022 - 12:11PM

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