Persistent Vehicles v1.2
Author diamond-optic
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Description --------------------------------------------------

Persistent Vehicles v1.2

by diamond-optic



I know there are several other scripts around
that prevent your recent vehicles from just
disappearing when youre not looking at them.
But I was just not happy with the way they all
seemed to work and was always bothered by the
little bugs and annoyances that came with them.

So I decided to would write my own script in
lua to basically do the same thing but with
the features that I wanted and also hopefully
try to resolve some of the issues of the older
persistence scripts.



Your last 8 (by default) vehicles used will
not randomly disappear when you turn your back.
NOTE: They wont be persistent between save loads!

If there is already 8 (by default) vehicles
that are being saved, the one you havent used
in the longest will be overwritten.

A small blip will be shown on the map for each
of the saved vehicles. The type of blip will
vary depending on the vehicle type.

The color of the blip will depend on which of
model you were playing as when that vehicle was
> Michael: Blue
> Franklin: Green
> Trevor: Orange
> Any other model: Yellow

The blip wont show up for the current vehicle
you are driving, only vehicles you are not in
will have blips on the map.

Vehicles that already have a blip *should* not
have their blips affected by this script.

If a vehicle is destroyed, it will be removed
from the list of saved cars and allowed to
despawn as normal.

If you switch characters, the saved vehicle list
will be wiped. The only way I can think of to
save cars when switching characters is really not
worth the effort it would take to do it. There is
also a side effect to this, if you change to a
different model while still playing as the same
character, the saved cars are reset as well. If
someone knows a way to determine which character
is being played without checking the model or the
ped type, please contact me.

There is also a menu (default keys: Shift+I) that
has the following options (enabled options will
be red with stars):
> Enable Script: This might be useful for times
when persistent vehicles cause
problems during some missions.
> Enable Blips: Use this option to turn on/off
the blips for saved vehicles.
> Reset Vehicle List: This will clear the list
of saved vehicles.

You can change the settings in the 'Configuration'
section located below the comment section of the
PersistentVehicles.lua file.



Place the PersistentVehicles.lua file inside
the \scripts\addins\ directory in your base
GTAV install location.

Place the PersistentVehicles_GUI.lua file
inside the \scripts\libs\ directory in your
base GTAV install location.



Script Hook V
LUA Plugin For Script Hook V


Change Log:

Version 1.2 (06.25.16)
- Now setup so you need to press 2 keys together for the menu
- Changed default menu option to avoid accidentally turning mod off
- Changed default menu key from 'T' to 'Shift+I'

Version 1.1 (10.24.15)
- Code improvement to detecting character

Version 1.0 (10.17.15)
- Initial Release



EnableScript = true -- Enable the script by default [true/false] (default: true)
EnableBlips = true -- Enable the blips by default [true/false] (default: true)

local NumVehicles_Max = 8 -- Max number of vehicles to save (default: 8)

local Menu_Key1 = Keys.I -- Press this key in combination with Menu_Key2 to bring up the menu (default: Keys.I)
local Menu_Key2 = Keys.ShiftKey -- Press this key in combination with Menu_Key1 to bring up the menu (default: Keys.ShiftKey)


* please do not upload my mods to other sites! *
Filesize 6.75 kB
Date Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 08:16PM
Downloads 427
Download Persistent Vehicles v1.2

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